Financial Aid News and Updates

Be sure to visit this page to get the latest news and information from the Financial Aid Department. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Financial Aid office at your local campus and they will be happy to assist you!


2024 Tax Information

Dorsey College Holdings has partnered with vendor eFile1099 Now, to generate and mail Form 1098T to our students; the forms will be mailed by January 31st.  Student should have received an email to their Dorsey College email concerning the 1098T.  follow the instructions given in the email.  If the student has not received the form in the mail (after the applicable mailing period has elapsed) students can request that a 1098T be printed and sent to them. If a student wants an electronic copy, they may visit:


In addition, ECSI and Tuition Options will mail Form 1099E to relevant Dorsey students that received a Dorsey Institutional Loan. Students that contact the campus with questions about this form should be directed to ECSI or Tuition Options whichever company applies to them; the Financial Aid team can provide their contact information to students as needed. Please note that Tuition Options will only send a 1099E if the student accumulated $600 or more in interest.



Dorsey College’s Human Resources Office will mail Form W-2 to the students who have earned income from the Federal Work Study Program.  Student’s should contact their direct supervisor if they do not receive their form in the mail after the applicable mailing period has elapsed.  Students can also utilize the Paylocity website to retrieve their Form W-2.


When in doubt, please contact your campus Financial Aid team for assistance or information.


Scholarship Opportunity! – The OMACCS LEADS! Scholarship Program for 2024

The Ohio-Michigan Association of Career Colleges and Schools, in cooperation with 23 participating career colleges and schools, is offering 128 scholarships. The primary objective of these scholarships is to provide students with the education and training necessary to obtain a job in an Ohio or Michigan business or industry and encourage students to learn more about leadership in their communities. Available scholarships may cover full, one-half tuition, or a specific dollar amount.

Scholarship submissions are due by April 19, 2024 and the winners will be notified no later than May 17, 2024.

For complete details on the scholarship opportunity, including information on how to apply, please view the 2024 LEADS scholarship booklet, scholarship application, and nomination form below.


2024 LEADS Scholarship Booklet

2024 LEADS Student Application Form

2024 LEADS Nomination Form




Dorsey Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Report – Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students

Information regarding the Dorsey Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Report – Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students may be accessed by clicking here.


CARES Act Emergency Financial Aid Grants for Dorsey Students
U.S. Secretary of Education announced in March 2020 that funds will be distributed to colleges and universities to provide direct emergency cash grants to college students whose lives and educations have been disrupted by the coronavirus outbreak. The funding is available through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, signed into law by the President.

“What’s best for students is at the center of every decision we make,” said Secretary DeVos. “That’s why we prioritized getting funding out the door quickly to college students who need it most. We don’t want unmet financial needs due to the coronavirus to derail their learning.”

The CARES Act provides funds to support postsecondary education students and institutions, to provide cash grants to students for expenses related to disruptions to their educations due to the COVID-19 outbreak, including things like course materials and technology as well as food, housing, health care, and childcare.

A request form will be sent to eligible students to request these need-based grants. Our Campus Support Center will use the information you provide to determine the amount you will receive. Once the completed form has been received, we will begin the process to award and mail a check to you.







Applicants are now being accepted for the Live Your Dream scholarship offered by the Soroptimist International of Oakland County Scholarship. See below some information on this club and a link to their website. We have attached the application, reference form and a checklist for your convenience.

“Soroptimist International of Oakland County is a service club working to improve the lives of women and girls in local communities and throughout the world.  Our club was founded in 1937.  We are part of Soroptimist International of the Americas in 20 countries, 1,300 clubs and 35,000 members.  We are part of the Midwestern Region, represented in four districts which are located in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Kentucky.  Our District III consists of the counties of Oakland, Macomb, Genesse and Wayne.

Once again this year we are offering our Live Your Dream annual award for women who are head of their household.  These women must be enrolled in or have been accepted to a vocational/skills training program or an undergraduate degree program.  The award amount is once again $1500.00.

Applicants must review Step 1 in the application and must be able to answer affirmative to the eight questions on the attached flyer.  All applications that do not comply with the instructions, including the submission of two reference letters will not be considered.’

Live Your Dream Application

Live Your Dream Reference Form (two different references)

News Flash:  Tax Information

The Federal tax code includes a number of provisions designed to reduce or partially offset the costs of higher education for students and families. Among those are the American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC) and the Lifetime Learning Tax Credit, both designed to help families pay for at least a portion of higher education tuition and fees and related costs.

Many students and their families do not take advantage of these tax credits that could save them thousands of dollars. For more information about these tax credits go to:

Also see this Flyer from the IRS for more information

Federal Student Aid Resources

NOTICE: IRS Warning of a “Federal Student Tax” Scam

Click here to see details of IRS Scam

Scholarship Deadline is Approaching!

The deadline date of October 15, 2024 for submitting an application for a Dorsey scholarship is quickly approaching. To apply, click the scholarship of your choice below to print the application form. Turn in the completed application to your campus Financial Aid or Administration office.

If you have any questions, visit your campus Financial Aid office.

Looking for Additional Information?

Be sure to visit our other Financial Aid pages for helpful information:

Financial Aid Information
Highlights Scholarships and Grants
Student Consumer Information