You love fashion, style, hair, make-up and nails and have decided to take your love for all things beauty and turn it into your career. Congratulations if you’ve decided to take the step towards pursuing cosmetology school. You’re embarking on a career path that can be rewarding. After all, cosmetologists help people look and feel their best while doing what they love for a living.
How to Choose A Cosmetology School in Michigan
As you prepare to embark on this journey, the first thing you’ll need to do is find a cosmetology school that is right for you. Throughout this process, you’ll want to consider several things in evaluating different schools – just to make sure you make the choice that is going to be right for you as a student and help you prepare for your new career. Below we’ve outlined five things you should consider when evaluating different cosmetology schools. We hope this info is helpful and useful to you as you take this important step towards a beautiful new career.
Cosmetology training at Dorsey School of Beauty
Dorsey School of Beauty’s Cosmetology diploma program is designed to offer students a blended experience where education will take place in both a classroom setting as well as in the on-campus beauty clinic, where cosmetology services will be provided to the public (while supervised), who may be charged for the services rendered by students. The cosmetology program at Dorsey School of beauty requires students to complete 1500 hours of training and throughout the program, students will be exposed to topics such as art principles, hair styling, hair cutting and shaping, hair coloring, thermal waving and curling, permanent waving, chemical relaxing, shampooing, manicuring, scalp and facial treatments.
If you’re interested in exploring what Dorsey School of Beauty’s cosmetology program has to offer, we encourage you to contact us and visit one of our campuses. One of our Admissions Representatives would be happy to meet with you for a one-on-one career planning session and give you a tour of our school. During your visit, you’ll also have the opportunity to meet with a member of our Financial Aid team who will explain the various funding sources that may be available to you, as a student if you qualify.
Dorsey Schools is accredited by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education. This applies to the Dorsey School of Beauty located at the Madison Heights campus, (which serves as the main campus) and the Roseville campus (a branch campus of Madison Heights).
Dorsey School of Beauty (located at the Taylor Campus) is institutionally accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences, Inc. (NACCAS).
The Cosmetology program at Dorsey School of Beauty is offered at the following campus locations:
What type of Cosmetology Training is offered?
One may think that cosmetology training is all the same, but that’s not necessarily the case. When evaluating cosmetology schools, it’s not a bad idea to ask about their curriculum and the type of training they offer. For example, does the cosmetology program or programs you’re considering have a strong hands-on component? After all, cosmetology is a very hands-on career, so it’s critical that you receive hands-on training in your cosmetology program. You may also ask about the different skills, techniques, and topics that are covered in the program. Does this match your expectations and what you want to ultimately do with your new career once you’ve finished your training, become licensed, and are ready to begin working?
How Long Does it Take To Become A Cosmetologist?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a high school diploma or equivalent may be required to start working as a cosmetologist under certain job positions/titles (however, this may vary employer to employer depending upon what they are looking for in a candidate, state to state depending on their specific licensing requirements or school by school depending on their specific admissions requirements). State regulations mandate that adults complete a state-licensed training program (a). In the State of Michigan, cosmetology programs must be at least 1500 clock hours (b).
Is this Cosmetology Program / Cosmetology School Accredited?
Not all cosmetology schools and programs are the same. In evaluating your options for school, it’s never a bad idea to ask about the school’s (or the program’s) accreditation. Generally speaking, accreditation is a mark of quality – ensuring that educational institutions meet a designated set of standards. Most states (including Michigan) also require those applying for a license in cosmetology to attend a state-approved training program. This is also an important factor to keep in mind when pursuing your training
Is this Cosmetology School a good fit for me?
Not all schools are the same. It’s important that every student find a school that is going to be a good “fit” for them. It can be difficult to explain what we mean by a good “fit” but overall, how do you feel when you visit and tour the school? Is this a place where you can see yourself learning and succeeding? Are you inspired and motivated by what you see and hear from the students and staff. Are you generally comfortable and welcomed by the school and excited at the prospects about learning in this environment? These are all general questions that one can consider when determining if a school (not just a cosmetology school or a beauty school) is a good fit for them personally. Learn more about succeeding in beauty school by reading out post!
Can I afford to go to Cosmetology School?
Investing in yourself and your education should be money well spent, but unfortunately, sometimes people miss the mark when choosing a school, program, or a field of study. In evaluating your options and ability to fund your education (whether you’re pursuing cosmetology school or beauty school or something else) it’s important to look at both personal factors as well as options in which the school may be able to assist. Personally, one must evaluate their current standing to decide whether or not they are in a comfortable position to go back to school. Making a decision like this is never easy, because let’s face it, most of us are working and have to work to maintain a living, but the end goal for most when choosing to go back to school is to improve their prospects in the long-run, so an investment now will hopefully pay off in the future. One may also look at ways in which a school may be able to assist them with funding their education. For example, does this cosmetology school or beauty school offer any scholarships or tuition assistance? Does this school offer financial aid for those who qualify? Each person’s situation may be different, so it’s important to have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a Financial Aid representative from a school who can walk you through what your specific options may be in funding your education.
Can this Cosmetology School help me find a job?
First of all, it’s important to note that no school can guarantee any of its graduates a job after graduation. As a prospective student though, you should look for a school that is going to be a partner with you in helping launch your new career and do they have the resources and assistance in place that can assist you in that process. In looking at cosmetology school or beauty school, one of the first things to consider is preparation that the school may offer for the licensing examination. This is tremendously important, because you cannot work as a cosmetologist unless you’re licensed (including right here in the state of Michigan) so even if you do well in school, if you can’t pass the licensing exam, you’re going to have a stumbling block between you and your new career. Does the school offer any type of exam prep? Do they offer a mock exam? These are things worth considering when evaluating schools. In addition to preparation for your cosmetology licensing exam, you may also inquire about the career services assistance that is available to graduates. Are there dedicated resources in place to help graduates as they pursue cosmetology employment opportunities, once licensed? What type of services/assistance is offered by the career services department? Even though you may be at the beginning of your journey, have the end-goal in mind! Start thinking about not only how you’re going to get through cosmetology school successfully, but also how you can become licensed and begin working soon after your training!
Are you ready to take the next step? What are you waiting for? Contact Dorsey School of Beauty today by calling 888-422-1188 or request info online.
Taylortown School of Beauty operates as Dorsey School of Beauty and/or Dorsey Schools (Taylor Campus location).
To read more about our accreditation, click here.